Dialog Box

Sofia Levin


raised so far


of $10,000 goal

A year and a half ago, I couldn’t have told you a thing about MND. But since my beautiful, gentle, youthful, kind dad was diagnosed at the start of 2022, my family has become all too familiar with this cruel disease. While I'd rather still be living in ignorance, I am proud to be an ambassador for this campaign (of which the official date coincidentally falls on dad's birthday). If you know me well, you also know that I communicate for a living, and that shutting up for 12 hours is going to be quite the challenge!

When dad was diagnosed, one of the first things we did was record his voice so that when it eventually goes, he’ll still sound like the Greg we know and love. Shut Up for MND is a minuscule insight into one of the many things those of us who are healthy take for granted - the ability to communicate.

We know how essential MND Vic is for people living with this disease. They have held our hand since dad's diagnosis, providing direction, advice, multitudes of equipment, support, empathy and so much more. There is no cure for MND. Some 90 per cent of those diagnosed survive 2-5 years, with a rapid decrease in quality of life. Only 10 per cent make it to the 10 year mark.

Until there is a cure, MND Vic is one of the few places people can turn to for care and support. They rely heavily on fundraising, and every dollar helps. Please donate if you are able - it allows families like mine to think less about admin, equipment and appointments, and instead focus on the time we have together.

My Updates

26 Jul 2023

Hi, wonderfully generous people. I thought it might be useful to share how far donations can go in case you don't know how much to spend:

$5: the cost of a "Resource 2.0" nutritional drink (dad has 6 of these a day through a tube)
$55: a communication board
$90: cost of running a support group
$132: a nebuliser to assist with strengthening breathing
$442: an accessibility ramp for more community participation
$600: an iPad mini to help someone with MND stay connected and communicate
